Keep away the bugs when you spend time outdoors using Medella Naturals All Natural Mosquito Repellent. It works against not only mosquitoes to reduce bites but also other flying insects. Natural ingredients make this a gentle and kid friendly insect repellent that won t leave greasy residue on skin. It s even safe enough to be used to protect pets. This is a plant-based DEET-free insect repellent and contains ingredients such as Vitamin E and castor oil to nourish skin and vanilla for an added touch of pleasant scent. There are no synthetic dyes or fragrances and no alcohol or chemical pesticides. Medella Naturals insect and mosquito repellent comes in a pump spray bottle for easy application on pets kids and adults. Resistant to sweat it keeps working longer so you and your family stay protected during outdoor activities. Use Medella at any time of year for hiking golfing or simply mowing the lawn.